CCSSO Principles of Effective School Improvement Systems

This memorandum introduces a set of 10 principles—from states and for states—to inform the design and management of effective systems to improve or replace low-performing schools.

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Title: CCSSO Principles of Effective School Improvement Systems

Description: This memorandum introduces a set of 10 principles—from states and for states—to inform the design and management of effective systems to improve or replace low-performing schools. The principles are derived from what we know based on current research, evidence, and experience, and the input of state leaders, key stakeholders, and other experts. To identify the principles, we began with what must be true at each level of the public education system—from what students must experience as learners to the critical roles played by schools, districts, authorizers, partners, and states. The principles also build on the CCSSO next-generation state accountability system principles that highlight the inextricable link between accountability and school improvement, including a focus on diagnostic reviews, targeted support for the lowest-performing schools (and their districts), and systems of continuous improvement to sustain progress over time.

Publish Date: June 2017

Source: Council of Chief State School Officers