Innovative Solutions for Including Recently Arrived English Learners in State Accountability Systems: A Guide for States

This guide provides States with suggested research- and evidence-based guidelines for developing a RA EL accountability model that is grounded in a State’s theory of action.

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Title: Innovative Solutions for Including Recently Arrived English Learners in State Accountability Systems: A Guide for States

Description: Recently arrived ELs (RA ELs, those ELs enrolled for less than 12 months in U.S. schools) represent a growing yet often underserved subpopulation of ELs. This guide responds to discussions and insights generated by the collaborative project, and to ESSA provisions and implementing regulations regarding RA ELs. Specifically, this guide provides States with suggested research- and evidence-based guidelines for developing a RA EL accountability model that is grounded in a State’s theory of action. The theory of action specifies how educators will utilize State assessment and accountability information to help improve educational practice and linguistic and academic outcomes for RA ELs, while also meeting ESSA requirements. A State can use these guidelines to engage in a systematic process of developing a RA EL accountability model; or to formatively evaluate its currently proposed or established approaches to RA EL assessment and accountability. States can also consider these guidelines within the larger context of their ESSA State plans regarding assessment and accountability, State priorities and goals, and EL instructional program designs.

Publish Date: January 2017

Source: U.S. Department of Education