
Initial Grantees
Renewal Grantees



State Amendments
Alabama Amendments download files11/2/2016 PDF
Arizona Amendments download files12/09/2015 PDF
Arkansas Amendments download filesTo Be Posted
Connecticut Amendments download filesTo Be Posted
Hawaii Amendments download files04/13/2016 PDF   

Amendments download files12/2015 PDF

Illinois Amendments download files4/27/2016 PDF
Louisiana Amendments download filesTo Be Posted
Maine Amendments download filesTo Be Posted
Massachusetts Amendments download filesTo Be Posted
Maryland Amendments download files9/28/2016 PDF
Montana Amendments download filesTo Be Posted
Nevada Amendments download filesTo Be Posted
New Jersey Amendments download filesTo Be Posted
New York Amendments download filesTo Be Posted
Rhode Island Amendments download files04/20/2016 PDF
Tennessee Amendments download filesTo Be Posted
Vermont Amendments download files11/29/2016 PDF
Virginia Amendments download filesTo Be Posted


Table of Preschool Development Grants Applications Selected for Funding

Note: Year 1 grants will be awarded for a period of 12 months. Continuation awards for years two, three, and four are not final; they will be contingent on the availability of funds, Department budget reviews, and the grantees making satisfactory progress in accordance with 34 CFR 75.253 of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR).

Preschool Development Grants–>>Development Grants

State Year 1 Award Amount (FY 2014) Year 2 Requested Funding (FY 2015) Year 3 Requested Funding (FY 2016) Year 4 Requested Funding (FY 2017)
Alabama $17,500,000 $17,500,000 $17,500,000 $17,500,000
Arizona $20,000,000 $20,000,000 $20,000,000 $20,000,000
Hawaii $2,074,059 $2,209,981  $5,742,044 $4,855,284
Montana $10,000,000 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 $10,000,000
Nevada $6,405,860 $11,031,983 $12,849,229 $13,475,608
Total $55,979,919 $60,741,964 $66,091,273  $65,830,892


Preschool Development Grants – Expansion Grants

Note: Consistent with the Departments’ plan to ensure that a variety of States benefit from the Preschool Development Grants competition, the Departments have selected high-quality proposals from both States that have and that have not received Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge (RTT-ELC) awards. Applications are ranked in order of their average raw score and are presented in two separate slates for Absolute Priority 2 and Absolute Priority 3.1

1Absolute Priorities 2 and 3 divided the States eligible for Expansion Grants into those that had received RTT-ELC grants and those that had not. As noted in the NIA, to ensure that a variety of States benefit from the Preschool Development Grants program and that States that have received RTT-ELC awards are not unfairly advantaged in the competition, the Departments could consider high-ranking applications meeting Absolute Priorities 2 and 3 separately when making grants.



Absolute Priority Two (RTT-ELC States)

State Year 1 Award Amount (FY 2014) Year 2 Requested Funding  (FY 2015) Year 3 Requested Funding  (FY 2016) Year 4 Requested Funding  (FY 2017)
Illinois $20,000,000 $20,000,000 $20,000,000 $20,000,000
Maryland $15,000,000 $15,000,000 $15,000,000 $15,000,000
Massachusetts $15,000,000 $15,000,000 $15,000,000 $15,000,000
New Jersey $17,498,115 $17,498,109 $17,499,134 $17,499,134
Rhode Island $2,290,840 $5,773,871 $6,043,131 $4,923,691
Vermont $7,231,681 $8,009,167 $8,631,497 $9,519,937











Absolute Priority Three (Non RTT-ELC States)

State Year 1 Award Amount (FY 2014) Year 2 Requested Funding  (FY 2015) Year 3 Requested Funding  (FY 2016) Year 4 Requested Funding  (FY 2017)
Arkansas $14,993,000 $14,993,000 $14,993,000 $14,993,000
Connecticut $12,499,000 $11,689,109 $11,689,109 $11,689,109
Louisiana $2,437,982 $7,127,889 $10,071,160 $12,370,200
Maine $3,497,319 $4,204,720 $3,735,439 $3,380,342
New York2 $24,991,372 $22,512,886 $25,421,187 $27,074,555
Tennessee $17,500,000 $17,399,566 $17,486,490 $17,401,400
Virginia $17,500,000 $17,500,000 $17,500,000 $17,500,000
TOTAL $93,418,673 $95,427,170 $100,896,335 $104,408,606

2The Funding request for Years 3 and 4 exceeded the budget cap of $25,000,000. The maximum awards that New York will receive for Years 3 and 4 will be $25,000,000.

States’ Applications, Scores and Comments

As part of their commitment to transparency in governance, the Departments of Education and Health and Human Services are providing the public with applications of the 35 states and Puerto Rico that applied for a Preschool Development Grant. A minimal amount of personal information has been redacted from the applications. Note: States highlighted and marked with an asterisk (*) have been selected as grantees.

Preschool Development Grants–Development Grants



Scores and Reviewers’ Comments

Alabama* Application [PDF, 8.2M]   

Abstract [PDF, 251K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.1M]

Arizona* Application [PDF, 9.44M]   

Abstract [PDF, 230.4K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.1M]

Hawaii* Application [PDF, 13.38M]   

Abstract [PDF, 242K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.12M]

Mississippi Application [PDF, 10.90M]   

Abstract [PDF, 130K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.12M]

Missouri Application [PDF, 11.60M]   

Abstract [PDF, 232K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.11M]

Montana* Application [PDF, 11.8M]   

Abstract [PDF, 211K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.1M]

Nevada* Application [PDF, 9.3M]   

Abstract [PDF, 193K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.12M]

New Hampshire Application [PDF, 9.51M]   

Abstract [PDF, 62K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.2M]

Puerto Rico Application [PDF, 31.21M]   

Abstract [PDF, 92K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.09M]


Preschool Development Grants–>>Expansion Grants

Note: Applications are presented in alphabetical order by Absolute Priority 2 and Absolute Priority 3. States highlighted and marked with an asterisk (*) have been selected as grantees.Absolute Priority Two (RTT-ELC States)



Scores and Reviewers’ Comments

California Application[PDF, 22.58M]   

Abstract [PDF, 23K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.11M]

Colorado Application [PDF, 19.69M]   

Abstract [PDF, 251K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.12M]

Delaware Application [PDF, 5.59M]   

Abstract [PDF, 274K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.15M]

Georgia Application [PDF, 17.9M]   

Abstract [PDF, 117K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.18M]

Illinois* Application [PDF, 12.88M]   

Abstract [PDF, 231K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.16M]

Kentucky Application [PDF, 28.83M]   

Abstract [PDF, 2105K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.12M]

Maryland* Application [PDF, 12.53M]   

Abstract [PDF, 209K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.15M]

Massachusetts* Application [PDF, 12.55M]   

Abstract [PDF, 233K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.12M]

Minnesota Application [PDF, 10.45M]   

Abstract [PDF, 36K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.17M]

New Jersey* Application [PDF, 7.52]   

Abstract [PDF, 376K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.6M]

New Mexico Application [PDF, 13.16M]   

Abstract [PDF, 109K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.1M]

North Carolina Application [PDF, 16.40M]   

Abstract [PDF, 94K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.13M]

Ohio Application [PDF, 17.49M]   

Abstract [PDF, 88K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.18M]

Oregon Application [PDF, 3.10M]   

Abstract [PDF, 15K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.12M]

Pennsylvania Application [PDF, 7.22M]   

Abstract [PDF, 104K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.16M]

Rhode Island* Application [PDF, 38.63M]   

Abstract [PDF, 279K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.14M]

Vermont* Application [PDF, 25.86M]   

Abstract [PDF, 33K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.13M]

Washington Application [PDF, 8.64M]   

Abstract [PDF, 130K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.16M]


Absolute Priority Three (Non RTT-ELC States)



Scores and Reviewers’ Comments

Arkansas* Application [PDF, 20.80M]   

Abstract [PDF, 249K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.14M]

Connecticut* Application [PDF, 16.16M]   

Abstract [PDF, 242K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.13M]

Louisiana* Application [PDF, 4.65M]   

Abstract [PDF, 387K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.17M]

Maine* Application [PDF, 10.21M]   

Abstract [PDF, 221K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.12M]

New York* Application [PDF, 11.57M]   

Abstract [PDF, 166K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.16M]

South Carolina Application [PDF, 7.20M]   

Abstract [PDF, 38K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.14M]

Tennessee* Application [PDF, 14.56M]   

Abstract [PDF, 170K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.12M]

Texas Application [PDF, 8.58M]   

Abstract [PDF, 33K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.12M]

Virginia* Application [PDF, 11.5M]   

Abstract [PDF, 193K]

Score sheet [MS Word, 305K]   

Reviewers’ comments and scores [MS Word, 1.15M]