Grantee Presentations and Papers

  • Exploring EIR Dissemination StrategiesThis public-facing webinar provides a framework for thinking about the different strategies and purposes of dissemination, how the audience might vary based on the purpose, some methods or avenues for dissemination and the relationship with the EIR open licensing requirements. After outlining an overarching framework, a panel of EIR grantees provided targeted examples from their projects.Recording: PDF
  • Rural Career Pathways White Paper
    The United States Department of Education’s Education Innovation and Research (EIR) grant program supports several grantees exploring innovative rural career pathways for students, navigating complex approaches to employment opportunities. This area warrants additional attention. Rural career pathways offer students a clear progression from an area of interest to exact coursework requirements for high school graduation and then to subsequent employment or postsecondary enrollment. enrollment. These students are provided with an opportunity to obtain a set of skills, experiences, or credentials that can result in employment in their current rural area if they choose. This paper addresses three areas related to rural career pathways: (1) components of successful career pathways, (2) factors that set rural schools apart and support a place-based approach, and (3) current promising interventions for rural career pathways.
  • High-Need Student Resources
    The EIR program makes serving high-need students a priority for all projects. The projects are multifaceted, serving somewhat different populations and ages.
    • EIR Grantees Serving High-Need Students panel discussion 
      View this conversation with EIR grantees serving high-need students. During this webinar, the panelists describe how they designed their programs to meet the needs of different student populations and how their program might work in other settings or with other students.
    • Implementing Innovations for Students with Disabilities webinar
      This webinar offers a resource combining the knowledge of high-leverage practices, expert panelists’ experiences and understanding of current EIR program offerings, along with a brief review of completed EIR-funded projects. The webinar will shine a light on the ways that EIR can serve to connect students with disabilities to innovation with appropriate adaptations and modifications.
    • Findings from Projects with a Focus on Serving Students With Disabilities cross-project summary
      This cross-project summary presents four case studies of completed Investing in Innovation (i3) projects that utilize high-leverage practices for working with students with disabilities. i3 and EIR grantees have developed innovative programs designed or adapted to serve students with disabilities by addressing student challenges. Examining the successes and possibilities from these programs can help researchers and practitioners better understand how to impact student outcomes with increased precision. PDF
  • From Planning to Piloting: Setting Up Your EIR Grant for Success
    Hear from a panel of EIR grantees who discussed the successes and challenges of their planning and/or pilot years and how they overcame challenges such as recruitment issues, hiring implementation staff, data collection, project management, and pivoting when necessary. Slides
  • Covid-19: A Look at How EIR-Funded Projects Are Supporting SEL Needs of Students and Teachers and Mediating Learning Gaps
    Covid-19 has significantly impacted our world in numerous ways. In 2021, two EIR competitive preference priorities were issued to address the impact of Covid and promote equity in Pre-K-12 education. This webinar is a first look at what a few of these grantees have been working on over the past year. Presentations and conversation with the grantees focus on how they are conceptualizing their work, how they are addressing Covid recovery, and how they believe their innovation will make an impact. Addressing Covid recovery can include a focus on learning gaps in student education or the social and emotional needs of students and teachers. Both areas of interest have been substantially impacted by routine changes related to Covid safety procedures. Slides
  • Connecting Theory to SEL Practice: A Conversation to Understand How Practitioners Tailor Local SEL Initiatives and Interventions | Presentation
    In this interactive conservation, we bring together a panel of SEL experts, current EIR grantees who are leading innovation in the SEL domain, and attendees to explore existing SEL theoretical frameworks and whether they provide the flexibility necessary to contextualize SEL interventions and programs so researchers and practitioners can equitably assess what works for whom, why, and in what context in education.  By engaging in a peer discussion about how SEL-related theories connect with SEL practices, attendees will share the role of theory in their work, learn about the challenges their counterparts face when determining how practitioners utilize SEL theoretical frameworks in their practice, and deepen their understanding of how to leverage theory in practice to improve implementation strategies and measurement tools in the field.
  • EIR 2023 Cross-Project Summaries (these essays explore lessons learned from some EIR projects that address similar topics):
  • EIR 2022 Cross-Project Summaries (these essays explore lessons learned from some EIR projects that address similar topics):
  • Understanding the EIR Open Licensing Requirement Webinar (6/21/2022)
    In this webinar, Jessica Ch’ng, U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Education Technology Fellow, presents an overview of the open licensing requirement that applies to all EIR grants made since 2017. The overview is followed by a Q&A with EIR Program Officers and Ms. Ch’ng. This webinar is designed to help grantees: