FY 2023 Call for Peer Reviewers

Call for Peer Reviewers

The FY 2023 MSAP Competition is now open. To be considered to serve as a peer reviewer, review the information below and submit a resume to msap.team@ed.gov.

The Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP), in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, seeks peer reviewers from various professions and backgrounds to independently read, score, and provide timely, well written comments on MSAP grant applications submitted for consideration in the FY 2023 MSAP Competition.

WHO: The most qualified reviewers will have background and experience with one or more of the following:  

  • magnet school planning and implementation
  • school choice programming
  • desegregation activities
  • civil rights law
  • LEA or district level administration
  • curriculum and staff development
  • education program evaluation (preferably with WWC certification or experience)

Roles for this competition include content reviewers to assess applications against selection criteria and priorities outlined in the FY 2023 notice inviting applications (NIA) and evidence reviewers to provide expert assessments of the application evaluation and evidence components. Candidates may be considered for one or both roles.

WHEN: Reviews are currently planned for late May/June 2023.

WHERE: These reviews will be completely virtual. Travel is not required. Reviewers will read, score and draft comments from their own locations and panel discussions will be held via conference call.

OTHER REQUIREMENTS: In addition to the skills, attributes and expertise highlighted above, peer reviewers must also meet the following requirements:

  • Quality of review: Each reviewer must be able to provide detailed, objective, constructive, timely, and well-written reviews for each assigned application. Reviews are used to recommend applications for funding and are shared with each applicant, whether awarded funds or not, to provide helpful feedback and documentation supporting funding decisions. Reviewers must be prepared to work collaboratively with one another and review coordinators to ensure a fair and thorough review of each application.
  • Tools: Each reviewer must have access to the Internet, a phone, a computer, and a printer. This is a paperless review. Hard copies of applications will not be provided, and each reviewer must be able access an online system in order to input scores and comments. 

HONORARIUM: Reviewers will receive an honorarium of $700 per application reviewed. A satisfactory review requires a thorough and timely initial reading, scoring and discussion of each application, as well as submission of finalized comments and scores into the Department’s G5 system.

INTERESTED APPLICANTS: If you wish to be considered as a peer reviewer, please send an email with an attached resume and the subject line “MSAP 2023 Peer Review” to MSAP.TEAM@ed.gov. Candidates will be notified regarding selection decisions by early May. Please note that the final number of peer reviewers needed is contingent on the number of applications we receive. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Tharon Washington at tharon.washington@ed.gov. Thank you for your interest in the MSAP 2023 grant competition!