Innovation and Early Learning Programs


The Office of Innovation and Early Learning administers discretionary grant programs that support innovations and early learning programs.

Selected Responsibilities

The office administers programs that are designed to:

  • create, implement, replicate, or scale evidence-based innovations to improve student achievement for high-need students; and rigorously evaluate such innovations;
  • develop the non-cognitive skills of middle-grades students to increase student success; and
  • promote school readiness and improved learning outcomes for young children from low-income families who live in impoverished communities by providing high quality professional development programs to improve the knowledge and skills of early childhood educators and caregivers in communities with high concentrations of children living in poverty.

Contact Information

  • Jamila Smith, Director
    Office of Innovation and Early Learning
    U.S. Department of Education, OESE
    400 Maryland Ave SW
    Washington D.C. 20202