
PDG B-5 TA Contractor’s Webpage (HHS)

Early Learning Newsletter

Note: The following resources are from a previous iteration of the PDG program. We hope that you may find them useful, but this program is no longer current.

Preschool Development Grants (PDG) Annual Progress Update Reports

The annual progress reports provide a summary of the 18 Preschool Development Grants (PDG), to include annual performance report, PDG program impact, demographics, and annual improvements.  To learn more, click here:

Starting Strong: Increasing Preschool Quality and Access, The Preschool Development Grants (PDG) Program Summary Report 

This summary report highlights the successes, accomplishments, promising practices and lessons learned that emerged from the 18 State Preschool Development Grantees and their work toward creating quality preschool opportunities for four-year-old children.

Collaboration with Head Start, The Preschool Development Grants (PDG) Program, Product Suite #1

To help States and districts build consistent and aligned delivery systems, strengthen early childhood systems locally and statewide, and to expand families’ access to high-quality preschool, the Preschool Development Grant Technical Assistance Network, created a suite of products designed to explore the benefits and components of successful partnerships between Head Start and State preschool programs. These partnerships.  There are three resources that explore promising practices and lessons learned from the PDG State Grantees.   To learn more click here:

Promising Birth-3rd Grade State Level Strategies, The Preschool Development Grants (PDG) Program, Product Suite #2

To help States meet the challenges of an aligned and integrated birth to 3rd grade system and identify strategies for easing transitions for children and their families. To learn more click here:

Promising Practices in Program Evaluation, The Preschool Development Grants (PDG) Program, Product Suite #3

To help preschool development program leaders and staff design, implement and oversee early learning evaluation activities.  This product suite offers promising practices for program evaluation, and  continuous improvement and decision making.  To learn more click here: