The FY 2022 MSAP Competition is now closed

Call for Peer Reviewers!

To apply to serve as a Peer Reviewer for the FY 2022 MSAP Competition, please email with a resume and the subject line “MSAP 2022 Peer Review” no later than April 14, 2022For further details and peer reviewer requirements, please review our Call for Peer Reviewers page.

FY 2022 Notice Inviting Applications

  • Posted in the Federal Register on February 22, 2022:  PDF (290 KB)
  • Deadline for Notice of Intent to Apply:  March 24, 2022
  • Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: April 25, 2022

FY 2022 MSAP Application Instructions

The MSAP Application Package is for applicants to download and use as a guide only. These Application Instructions can also be found on the Unless the applicant qualifies for an exception to the electronic submission requirement, all MSAP grant applications must be submitted electronically via

  • FY 2022 MSAP Application Package  PDF (8 MB)

Pre-Application Webinars

The MSAP TA Center hosted a series of technical assistance webinars on key areas of the application process. Recordings and transcripts from all the webinars are available below:

Overview of the Notice Inviting ApplicationsSession Recordings – MP3 ( 41 MB) or WMV (141 MB)Session Slides – PDF (2 MB)Presentation Transcript – PDF (148 KB)  (March 1, 2022 ED MSAP Team
Magnet Development Framework
(Note: this is a Pre-Recorded Session.)Development Framework Toolkit – PDF (6 MB)Session Recordings – MP3 (31 MB) or WMV (154 MB)Session Slides – PDF (1 MB)Presentation Transcript – PDF (124 KB)
March 1, 2022 MSAP Center Consultant Doreen Marvin
The Civil Rights Review and Strategies for Addressing Minority Group IsolationSession Recordings – MP3 (39 MB) Session Slides – PDF (1 MB)Presentation Transcript – PDF (159 KB) March 8, 2022 ED OCR
Logic Models and Performance MeasuresSession Recordings– MP3 (238 MB)Session Slides – PDF (1 MB)Presentation Transcript – PDF (132 KB) March 15, 2022 MSAP Center
Evidence of Promise Study GuidanceSession Recordings – MP3 (122 MB)Session Slides – PDF (3 MB)Presentation Transcript – PDF (139 KB) March 22, 2022 MSAP Center Consultant Ginger Stoker

MSAP Required Tables and Forms

The enrollment data tables are fillable PDFs. They are not located in the application packet. They must be downloaded, completed electronically, and uploaded into the system as attachments. DO NOT SCAN THE COMPLETED FORMS. When downloading, please save the form by the correct name. For example, if you are completing Table #1, save the PDF as Table #1 and be sure to upload the correct tables.

  • Desegregation Plan Type, Summary, and Assurances Form – PDF (138 KB)
  • Table 1—Magnet Schools Included in the Project PDF (56 KB)
  • Table 2—LEA-Level Enrollment Data PDF (312 KB)
  • Table 3—Magnet School Enrollment Data PDF (285 KB)
  • Table 4—Feeder School Enrollment Data PDF (238 KB)
  • Table 5— Evidence Supporting New or Revised Projects (Competitive Preference Priority 2)  PDF (70 KB)
  • Evidence Form for Competitive Preference Priority 2 – PDF (127 KB)
  • Table 6—Selection of Students (Competitive Preference Priority 3) PDF (74 KB) 
  • Information for Joint Applications for Competitive Preference Priority 5

FY 2022 Notice of Intent to Apply

Applicants are encouraged to notify the U.S. Department of Education of the applicant’s intent to submit an application for funding by emailing us at with the subject line, “[LEA Name(s)] Intent to Apply”]. 

An entity may submit an application even if they did not submit a notice of intent to apply. The Notices of Intent to Apply simply assist the Department in developing a more efficient process for reviewing grant applications.

The deadline to submit the intent to apply is March 24, 2022.