Critical Area Outline: School Improvement Supports

This document summarizes CCSSO’s supports for state leaders in providing guidance and support to districts to improve low-performing schools.

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Title: Critical Area Outline: School Improvement Supports

Description: This document summarizes CCSSO’s supports for state leaders in providing guidance and support to districts to improve low-performing schools. It aligns to the following questions are included in the State Strategic Vision Guide that CCSSO provided to chief state school officers to consider.

  • What is your vision for a statewide school improvement and supports system?
  • What has worked and what has not worked in previous state efforts to turnaround low-performing schools, and what lessons can be applied to a new school improvement and support system?
  • How will the SEA support and work with districts in this process?
  • How is your teacher and leader development strategy as an agency focused on improving and supporting schools in their targeted areas of need?
  • How will you communicate a sense of urgency for change?
  • How are you building local capacity to sustain the improvements?

Publish Date: March 2016

Source: Council of Chief State School Officers