Getting the Most out of Your Community Space

Now that you are a member of this community of practice (CoP), you’ll want to fine-tune your online settings and preferences to ensure that you are able to keep up to date on relevant community activities and events. 

Updating Your Profile

One unique aspect of collaborating with peers in an online CoP is that you’ll work closely with people you may never meet in person. Updating your profile picture and bio can help build these collaborative relationships by adding a personal touch to your online presence. This video shows you how to do this.

Following Spaces and Content

The best way to be an active CoP member is to participate regularly in the online activities and access information and resources posted to the space. This video covers how to “follow” spaces and content to receive notifications on CoP activity.

Setting Notification Preferences

An active online community space can end up generating a lot of email for its members in the form of activity notifications. You will want to set your notification preferences so that you only receive updates on content that interests you and at a level of frequency you’re comfortable with. Watch this video to understand the different types of preferences and how to set them.