A Guide to State Educational Agency Oversight Responsibilities under ESSA: The Role of the State in the Local Implementation of ESSA Programs

This guide describes the oversight responsibilities state educational agencies (SEAs) have in ESSA programs, how those responsibilities affect ESSA implementation at the local level, and how SEAs can promote more effective uses of funds to benefit students.

PDF icon A Guide to SEA Oversight under ESSA: The Role of the State in the Local Implementation of ESSA Programs

Title: A Guide to State Educational Agency Oversight Responsibilities under ESSA: The Role of the State in the Local Implementation of ESSA Programs

Description: This guide describes the oversight responsibilities state educational agencies (SEAs) have in ESSA programs, how those responsibilities affect ESSA implementation at the local level, and how SEAs can promote more effective uses of funds to benefit students. Ultimately, how an SEA carries out its oversight responsibilities has a strong influence on the services LEAs provide to students. This guide is divided into two parts. Part I provides an overview of the SEA’s oversight role in ESSA programs, and discusses the importance of developing a strategic vision for how the SEA will approach oversight. Part II highlights thirteen oversight responsibilities SEAs have under federal law, describes how SEA oversight activities influence LEA implementation of ESSA programs, and provides examples of possible oversight activities SEAs might carry out in different situations.

Publish Date: March 2017

Source: Council of Chief State School Officers